Techno Permit

Digital Business Permit Software – Techno Permit

A work permit system is a formal written system used as part of safe systems of work, usually to identify all necessary precautions before commencing safety critical activities and to ensure that these precautions are taken.

The work permit form is an important part of safe system of work for many critical activities. They ensure that work only begins once safe procedures have been defined and provide a clear record and evidence that all foreseeable hazards have been considered.

In industry, work permit systems are widely used manually (written on paper). Manual management of the process causes the permission forms to not be protected from physical aspects of site environment, to be damaged, to cause delays and difficulties in transportation of the forms from one point to another, to be very prone to human error, and for the logging and recording process to take time, with the help of a separate workforce.

Ege Techno, a brand of Ege Consulting, developed a mobile application software with mobile and PC interfaces that will enable the work permit system to be implemented more effectively, in a simpler and easier to monitor for all users.

Aim of the application

Techno Permit aims to ensure that all necessary precautions are taken regarding that critical activity before the critical activities defined on site begin. The authorized person who will carry out the activity requests the work permit, at least one other authorized person checks and confirms that the necessary precautions have been taken on site and approves the commencement of the activity. In this way, the safe start and continuation of critical activity is ensured.

On the other hand, all permissions opened are logged and statistical analyzes can be made on the data.

Application details

Most of the accidents in workplaces occur while activities critical to occupational health and safety are ongoing. Critical activity in terms of occupational health and safety refers to activities that are beyond routine and involve special and vital risks. These activities are discussed under 7 main headings, considering international sources.

• Excavation works (excavation works carried out with construction equipment)

• Working in confined spaces (areas not designed for people to work in, such as closed tanks, warehouses, infrastructure manholes and pipes, where risks such as hazardous atmosphere, explosion, flood, rescue difficulty are high)

• Works performed at height (Works where there are risks of falling from heights such as roofs, steel installation, elevator shafts)

• Hot works (Activities that create a risk of fire by creating sparks or flames, such as cutting, welding, sawing)

• Working under energy (maintenance and repair activities on live power lines)

• Working under pressure (activities using high pressure such as hydrostatic and pneumatic tests)

• Working with hazardous substances (such as working with chemical substances, activities involving biological risks)

Techno Permit will enable identifying the hazards of these activities, ensuring that precautions against hazards are implemented, starting and continuing them safely, monitoring and recording work permit processes from a control panel, and data analysis.

User types

Permit requester

Permit coordinator

Permit issuer

Application features

• Ability to determine activities that require a work permit specific to the project / workplace

• Ability to define a list of questions regarding work permit requirements specific to the project/workplace

• Data analysis – ability to extract statistical data with different parameters for opened, closed, suspended work permits

• Permit requester and issuer definition can be made by the company superuser.

• Two-authority permit issuing mechanism when necessary

• Immediate suspension of permission by Issuer

• Monitoring the dashboard of the process from the coordinator screen

• Ability to print and document the permit in PDF.

• Ability to request permit extension.

• Upload photos

• PPE identification

• Approval requests and alerts via mobile notification and email

Working devices and basic technical requirements

All users can use the application by downloading it from mobile application stores (App Store and Google Play).

Permit coordinator can perform all its functions in the mobile application as well as on PC screens with a compatible view.

To use the application, uninterrupted internet connection is required, at least version 10.1 for IOS mobile operating systems and at least version 9 for ANDROID mobile operating systems.

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