Scaffolding Inspection Training


3 days * 7 hours


Target participant profile

Inspectors, supervisors, engineers and managers involved in the inspection of work scaffolds.



Persons who will perform scaffolding supervision;

To be able to explain the definitions related to the scaffolds,

Expressing legislation, standards and technical guides on  scaffolding ,

To explain the installation requirements of different scaffolding types,

Define scaffolding hazards and control methods,

Specify scaffold design criteria

Describe the fall-down measures on the scaffold

It is aimed that they can perform an installed scaffold control and inspection.



Day 1


Scaffolding equipment

Scaffolding foundation

Independent scaffolding

2 days


Openings and bridges

Lattice scaffolding

Tower scaffolding

Fall protection on scaffolds

Risk assessment in scaffolding

3 days

Inspection and labeling

Application – Scaffolding inspection




Videoconferencing method

Theoretical part of this course can be delivered as videoconferencing. Click for details.


Performance criteria

-100% participation requirement

– Active participation in classroom and field applications

– Scaffolding inspection training evaluation exam

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