Management of Lifting Operations Training


3 days * 7 hours


Target Profile

The target participants of the training is identified as supervisors and higher level people who plan and manage crane lifting in the projects.



Persons who will take part in the supervision and management of crane lifting works;

Make general definitions for lifting works,

Describe the relevant LOLER regulations,

Express the responsibilities of the persons involved in the lifting operation,

Express the lifting equipment certification requirements,

Express crane types, crane selection, installation and site preparation requirements

To be able to indicate lifting hazards and safety precautions,

Be able to express lifting equipment and usage requirements,

Define slingshot techniques,

Use Hand Signs in place,

It is aimed to be able to plan lifting works.



Day 1

Basic definitions

LOLER requirements

Inspection and inspection of lifting equipment

Cranes and safe handling of crane

Day 2

Lifting equipment

Slingshot techniques

Crane signs

Planning of lifting operations

Risk assessment in lifting operations

Day 3

Implementation – Planning of lifting works

Implementation – Performing the planned operation




Videoconferencing method

Theoretical part of this course can be delivered as videoconferencing. Click for details.


Performance criteria

– 100% participation requirement

– Active participation in classroom and field applications

– Crane lifting training evaluation exam

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