Second Party OHS Audits

About second party OHS Audits
Ege Consulting carries out an OHS system assessment that will cover the Client’s whole work environment. Evaluation is based on a criterion by which the guidelines set out in the references section are harmonized. The audit team focuses on the following main topics and determines the areas open for improvement in line with the specified criteria.
Audit scope
Leadership and employee engagement
Management leadership and commitment
Corporate OHS roles and responsibilities
Employee participation in the system
·OHS planning
Hazard identification and risk assessment process
OHS objectives and planning for the objectives
Support processes
Resource management for OHS processes
OHS training and competency management
OHS communication
Site OHS practices
Controlling site hazards
Management of change
Emergency preparedness and mitigation measures
Performance monitoring and measurement
Monitoring, measurement, testing and performance evaluation processes
Evaluation of compliance with legal and other requirements
Management review
Continual improvement
Accident – incident notification, reporting and follow-up processes
Observation notification, reporting and follow-up processes
Action tracking processes
Ways of collecting information
The audit team uses the following 3 ways to collect information;
Interviews with people: Interviews are held with people sampled from managers and employees from management, operations, support processes, field and other relevant units.
Document reviews: It may be necessary to examine all documents included in the OHS system documentation.
Site observations: Ongoing field activities are directly observed.
Template audit program
The audit team, consisting of at least 2 people, collects information for the purpose of gathering information at the workplace for the agreed period of time according to the size of the workplace. Work in the workplace begins with an audit opening meeting and ends with a closing meeting at the end of the last day to articulate the main findings.
The audit report is shared via e-mail within 10 working days after the system evaluation is completed.
Unless revised according to the request of the Client, the system evaluation is carried out by considering the following references;
ISO 45001: 2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems Guide
Legal OHS Legislation
HSG 65 – Managing for Health and Safety (Health and Safety Executive)
Client OHS policies, procedures, plans and guides
international good practices