Incident Investigation & Root Cause Analysis
Management & Cultural Courses
2 days * 7 hours
Target participant profile
Incident-accident investigation training target participants are determined as supervisors and higher-level individuals who are expected to participate in incident investigation processes in projects.
Make basic definitions for incident investigation and root cause analysis,
To be able to express the benefits of incident investigation to institutions,
To be able to define the accident research process steps that will start after the accident,
Define the emergency response requirements after the events,
Identify the people who should be in the incident investigation team,
Define data collection requirements for incident investigation,
Analyze the data,
Identify correct corrective actions based on the root causes found,
Define what is required to implement the identified corrective actions; and
It is aimed that they can make the reporting of incidents and accidents completely.
Module 0 – Introduction
Preliminary information about course
Module 1 – Incident investigation terms and reasons to investigate
Basic definitions
Reasons to investigate
Benefits of incident investigation
Module 2 – Human factor
Violations and errors
Organizational factors
Task factors
Individual factors
Module 3 – How incidents happen?
Introduction to root cause analysis
Module 4 – Incident investigation steps
Intervention to the injured person
Protection of the incident scene
Pre reporting
Assembling investigation team
Investigation level
Data collection
Examination of the incident scene
Interviewing techniques with people
Document reviews
Analysis of findings – Identification of root causes
Blame culture
Determination of risk control measures
Action plan
Practical studies
Closing up
Videoconferencing method
This course can be delivered as videoconferencing. Click for details.
Performance criteria
· 100% participation requirement
· Active participation in classroom applications
· Incident – accident research project study / evaluation exam